INNO|fair - where information and entertainment combine
Let’s start with a very special and important event, INNO|fair. Numerous customers visited us at our headquarters in Kirchham. In all sorts of different corners, from the BARRIER to the TAURUS, we informed our visitors about our safety systems for protecting against falls and, amongst other things, in the BARRIER tent we demonstrated how quickly the BARRIER safety system can be assembled. In addition, we also briefly presented the associated update. We invited external experts to the corners to give specialist presentations. Muttsee, the largest alpine solar installation in Switzerland, was presented on our main stage.
Here, the challenges to be overcome in this project were explained, as well as the reasons why our TAURUS rail system was essential for the attachment of the PV modules along the dam wall. A further highlight at INNO|fair was the presentation of our PSA-STRING-AIR-VEST. In addition to the plentiful information on the subject of “Protection against falls”, entertainment was certainly not overlooked. The programme ensured the necessary variety and, for the first time in the history of INNOTECH, there was the opportunity to view the Traunsee region and the company premises during a helicopter tour.
News about news
In 2022 our product innovations ran the whole gamut of our fall protection range. For example, there were innovations in the areas of the AIO lifeline system, single anchor points, personal protective equipment (PPE), and of the BARRIER guardrail system. As mentioned above, the BARRIER system has received an update, and our range was extended by the PSA-STRING-AIR-VEST. For the AIO lifeline system, we have introduced a new slider, the AIO-GLEIT-22. You can find the “Making of” the lifeline system slider explained here. And regarding the AIO lifeline system, the BIA-SET-01 and BIA-SET-02 extension packages provided innovations in terms of the “BIA fall protection system with integrated lightning protection”. The EAP-TEL-10/20 has given the single anchor points what we might call a “boost”, because with it, a shaft can now be entered easily, quickly, and above all safely.
Green energy - orange safety
The topic of “green energy” has played and will continue to play a significant role for INNOTECH. And so this year we further developed our AIO, TAURUS, and EAP safety solutions, so that it is now possible to attach the safety systems directly to the PV substructure on a flat roof. This means that photovoltaic modules can be installed over the entire roof surface. By means of these safety solutions, cleaning and servicing of the photovoltaic system can be performed in safety at any time. The maximum potential power can thus be extracted from the PV system. Installation videos, reference videos, and expert panels in the form of the INNO|talk formed the main pillars of our“Green energy - Orange safety” campaign. In our blog on the subject of “Fall protection systems on PV installations on flat or pitched roofs” there were a total of 22 posts to be discovered, including useful tips in the form of factsheets and checklists.
Windows & facades - further focal points
In addition to the topic of “Green energy”, we focused on fall protection for windows and the protection of facades, especially in the first half of 2022. With regard to securing windows, we asked Pirmin Heer, a caretaker, to speak in an interview about the consequences of falling out of an open window. The full interview can be read here. We have also prepared various checklists with tips about protection of windows. Protection of facades was considered on the one hand with the focus on the process of rope access technology, and on the other hand with the focus on fall protection. In our best practice examples of facade protection, like University of Wuppertal or ÖAMTC, we demonstrated how our safety solutions can look in practice. You can find out more about this topic here.
Team first
The team concept was and still is at centre stage for us. And this makes it even more important for us to spend time together. This year a team-building event was held in Ebensee. Our employees were able to choose between very varied activities. It was possible to try out sailing, archery, fun golf, river wave, padel tennis, and much more throughout the whole day. There was something for everybody, and one thing was certain – everyone had a great time. The whole INNOTECH team was spoilt with tasty burger variations from a foodtruck. It was an unforgettable day which we hope to repeat next year. So that’s the summary of our year 2022, short and sweet. We’re already looking forward to the shared start into 2023!