For us at INNOTECH, the past year was characterised by innovation, bold steps and sustainable successes. With clear goals in mind, we not only developed new solutions,...
The Austria metal packaging factory Pirlo GmbH & Co KG, a leading company in the Tyrol, which since 1908 has specialised in the production of packaging for foodstuff and...
During the construction of a 1.3 MWp PV system on the company roof of Veratron AG in Rüthi (CH), the complex roof landscape, with seven different areas and 54 skylights,...
This article informs you about significant aspects of fall protection systems for potential construction projects and in architectural design. These include planning,...
The project now adorning the roof of the House of Music and Music Theatre, or MUMUTH, at the Graz University of Music and Performing Arts showcases impressively how...
Discover the latest PPE innovations from INNOTECH! The new 2-point PSA-STRING-1-EASY safety harness complements the BASIC, COMFORT and PRO models as an affordable option....
Find out more about the responsibility and liability of architects for the planning of fall protection systems. Discover important legal requirements, standards and...
Modern fall protection systems for facades and building shells provide safety as well as aesthetics. Discover innovative solutions from INNOTECH for complex building...
In our new blog post, find out how you can not only ensure worker safety through the optimum fall protection system for facades and roofs, but also achieve significant...
Construction planning of fall protection systems as early as the design phase is an indispensable component of modern projects. In our current blog post, find out why...
Under the motto “Green Energy - Orange Safety”, 300 specialists from all over the world gathered to explore the latest trends and technologies in industrial safety. With...
The combination of Novotegra’s PV substructure with INNOTECH’s flexible fall protection systems provides significant added value for both fitters and end customers.
There are innovations related to our single anchor points. With our UNI-EAP-01 we have succeeded in bringing a reusable anchor point to the market. In our brief...
Regardless of the facade type, the topic of safety is always of decisive importance. Especially for intelligent facades which adapt to different weather conditions and to...
The building’s modern, aesthetic facade, designed by the LORENZATELIERS architectural practice, obviously has to be cleaned and maintained regularly. So that these...
The new year has dawned, and we kick it off by making you familiar with the exciting developments and priorities that are planned. We will continue to combine and drive...
Despite modern safety technology, accidents with ladders which slide away, tip over, or sink still remain a bitter reality. With our new SAL products, we provide an...
Time to travel new paths. That’s the motto of Lobster Data GmbH in Tutzing (Bavaria). But it’s not just as a software provider that Lobster puts its faith in developing...
2023 is coming to an end – one more reason to review the highlights of the year, and above all the focus on Green Energy & Orange Safety. In 2023 the advances in fall...
In terms of industrial safety, the working areas of hydro-electric plants (inside and outside) contain very varied sources of danger. For servicing tasks and maintenance...
Back in 2009 the operators of Kraftwerke Linth-Limmern AG extended the facility, which has a 1054 metre long dam wall at around 2500 metres above sea level, by adding a...
It was a project of superlatives: Perched at an altitude of 2,500 meters above sea level in the Glarner mountain region of the Swiss Alps, the hydropower plant on Lake...
As a workplace, a hydro-electric plant provides a number of challenges in terms of safety because of its situation and structure. The service technicians and maintenance...
So that a fish ladder can optimally perform its very useful and important task, it must be maintained and cleaned regularly. How often this is necessary partially depends...
The modernisation and extension of existing power stations creates challenges which have not so far existed, or else only to a different extent. In this regard, the...
5,302 square metres… that is the total area of the PV system on the roof of the Locher brewery in Appenzell. It provides a performance of 1,098 kWp overall. For...
Because wind turbines are one of the most dangerous workplaces in terms of industrial safety, it is natural that fall protection systems and safety solutions are...
The fledgling discussion format INNOtalk provides experts from all relevant areas of wind power with an opportunity to take the floor and describe their respective...
In the INNOtalk on the subject of safety at wind power plants, Marc Wollschläger and Michael Pett share their hands-on experience on the subject. They spell out their...
To ensure that service technicians are protected in the best possible way during their dangerous work, safety systems must undergo continuous development. For this...
In addition to a professional, certified fall protection system, in-depth training is amongst the major elements of a comprehensive safety concept. Rescue training is an...
Protecting an offshore wind farm requires the most modern, certified safety systems which can be optimally adapted to the actual situation. In the case of Gode Wind 2,...
Wind power parks or plants are among the workplaces that carry the highest risk potential of all. When it comes to safety, these installations pose a tremendous challenge...
The subject of safety, as viewed by an expert. At INNOTECH we therefore examine in detail the special challenges created in practice by the various wind turbine models,...
Wind turbines - the giants on land and water - reach dizzying heights in order to generate energy from the power of the wind. In this blog post, we explain the challenges...
In Carinthia, together with BayWa r.e. Solar Systems GmbH and the installation team from MET Elektro Unterlerchner GmbH, the company Teccon was equipped with a PV system...
Teccon GmbH in Spittal an der Drau, Austria, has demonstrated how it’s done! In November 2022 the company on Millstatt lake decided to install a PV system on its roof. So...
Every day on construction sites, the importance of professionally planning the fall protection for PV installations on a roof is clear. It is often a matter of finding...
A special facade project took us to the University of Wuppertal in western Germany. A partial renovation of the existing glass curtain and of the concrete curtain facade...
A photovoltaic project brought us to the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany. Here, one of the largest building ventures in Berlin was equipped with a PV system on...
This ultimate fall protection guide will help you to achieve a safe PV system on the roof. In the following, we summarise the danger areas on the roof, the liability...
In its practical implementation, the roof installation of PV systems together with their associated fall protection repeatedly creates specific challenges. In the case of...
With regard to PV installations on roofs, the question of competition for area often arises. This refers to competition between various types of use for the available...
We invited experts to a discussion on the subject of fall protection for PV systems on flat and pitched roofs. In this blog post we go into the most frequently asked...
While dangers like break-throughs or an increased fall risk close to the roof edge lurk on a flat roof, on a pitched roof the inclination itself is the greatest...
As a solar system installer, you naturally know every detail of the legal safety provisions relating to PV systems on a roof. In contrast, your clients may well be...
Solar system installers who, in addition to the optimally appropriate PV systems, can also provide the best possible fall protection, not only have a better image than...
2022 is almost over, and in the previous blog post we already looked at what was going on for us this year in the world of fall protection. Its focus included the topic...
The spherical shape of the building structure and domed roof of the Gran Telescopio Canarias necessitated a fall protection system that satisfies exceedingly specific...
“It’s the final countdown”… 2022 will soon draw to a close, and we will move together into a new 2023 which is both safe and secured. We’re taking this as an opportunity...
With its impressive lake stage and around 7,000 seats, Bregenzer Festspiele GmbH continuously attracts attention through its imposing stage settings and performances. In...
The tasks are performed on the wagons in a weekly cycle. Under this regular use, the demands placed on a fall protection system are particularly high. Accordingly, a...
Last year, the listed building was comprehensively renovated over a period of 3 to 4 months. This affected both the roof and the facade. This made a reliable,...
PV systems on the roof have been booming for quite some time. No wonder, because having your own solar power plant on the roof not only gives you much more independence...
Not only private households, but also businesses and companies, are relying increasingly on generating their own solar energy. The presently escalating energy prices will...
Installing one’s own PV system on a roof makes sense for a number of reasons. So that it always provides the best possible performance, workers regularly have to access...
The circumstances and conditions of every single order for a PV system on a roof must always be analysed very closely, in order to implement the correct safety...
Even if the connection isn’t obvious at first glance, solar system installers and PV installation companies can acquire significantly more new customers with a partner...
Lightning-protected fall protection system with permanent status monitoring. When fitted with the lightning detectors and a grounding connection, the system complies with...
It is never too late to make the right decisions and implement them! This means that even operators of PV installations on the roof should consider whether the subsequent...
Solar system installers capable of including a safety solution with their PV systems hold a clear edge over the competition. You can find out why this is the case in the...
The Westgate Shopping Centre, built between 1970 and 1972, was renovated in 2017. In the course of this, four new roofs, as well as a fall protection system, were...
Value stream analysis creates clarity. We’ve been in business for 21 years... new products, but above all an increase in stock levels have pushed us to the limits of both...
Discover all the necessary information here. In this article, we explain in summary the four steps that will lead you to your fall protection for PV systems. This much in...
Here is an example from practice. ADREX relies on its proven one-stop-shop principle, in order to largely relieve its customers of all tasks related to their own...
The fall protection for your PV system on a roof is 100% safe only if it is also inspected regularly for signs of potential wear and tear, damage, or corrosion, and for...
The detailed planning of the fall protection system for your PV system on the roof is followed by what is probably the most tantalising moment of the endeavour to make...
The same rules that apply in all other areas of life and work also hold true in the area of fall protection systems for PV systems installed on a roof: Solid initial and...
The goal to harvest as much power as possible from your own solar power plant therefore hinges on the ability to maximise the utilisation of the roof surface, while...
Chadstone, a shopping centre of an entirely new dimension, was constructed near Melbourne in 2016. The shopping centre was planned and completed with a steel glass roof...
There are questions that come up again and again when it comes to the safety of PV systems on the roof. We have summarised the 6 most frequently asked questions by...
Orange safety to get your hands on. On 23 June 2022 at 9 o’clock in the morning it finally happened… we opened the doors for this year’s INNO|fair. In the early hours of...
The creation of a new slider. New products come, old products go. But who hasn’t asked themselves about the steps behind the development of a new product. This is why for...
In the examination of current practice below, we show you two individual solutions for flat roofs, together with the respective challenges which may be created by one’s...
How to save time and money. Installing a photovoltaic system on your own roof is always a good idea, because in this way a previously completely unused surface is availed...
Installation tasks on the photovoltaic system, as well as its servicing and cleaning, represent a particular challenge. An selection of possible security solutions...
Not all roofs are the same. In the same way that roof forms differ greatly, the dangers concealed during installation and servicing and cleaning tasks on PV systems are...
PV modules as far as the eye can see! With its new solar-electric company building, my-PV in Neuzeug, Austria, has implemented a showcase project. For this, the company...
What companies can do. The term “burnout” is exactly how sufferers describe the way that they feel when asked about their psychological state. They feel deprived of their...
Falls, such as those arising when maintaining or cleaning windows, are amongst the most frequent and dangerous industrial accidents, because these very often result in...
Even though window fall protection systems are in the first place designed for the safety of the cleaning and repair employees, there are also other aspects beyond this,...
Prevent personal suffering. In addition to the legal obligations of employers to their employees which overall shape working conditions in such a way that the life and...
This is how your cleaning team is always on the safe side. For more than 20 years, the INNOTECH industrial safety experts have devoted themselves to the ongoing further...
Fall protection systems for windows save lives. No statistics in the world can tell you what such an industrial accident means for those affected and their families. ...
Loyal and motivated employees through a well-founded safety concept. Hand on heart. At the end of the day, when it comes to the safety of your own employees, it’s not...
Which special cases can arise in practice when cleaning windows? Because of their magnificent stylish buildings from very different periods of history, European cities...
Certified window safety system for your cleaners. There are strict regulations and legal ordinances when it comes to the topic of window fall protection. And from a...
Safety when cleaning windows. Employers are therefore legally obliged to keep the numerous risks related to window cleaning, for example, to as low a level as possible,...
Fall protection on facades needs to be stylish and safe. Every year, hundreds of people suffer accidents on roofs, facades, and other workplaces at height. The shockingly...
Stylishly matched to the project’s architecture. For every fall protection system, the focus is on saving lives. A holistic, sustainable safety concept for the facade...
Necessary steps & expert tips that work. Inclusion of an experienced expert for facade safety early in the project pays for itself in the end, through appropriate...
All cost items at a glance. Roland K. opens the envelope and pulls out a multi-page stack of paper, and his heart almost stops. The offer for securing the facade of his...
Our experts share their best tips. The earlier the technical advice and planning for facade protection takes place, the better you’ll have your costs under control and...
Tasks on facades harbour risks which have to be minimised. Safety concepts for risks of falling from facades, on roofs, and also in industry have been our special field...
Industrial safety on facades is essential. Dangerous behaviour in the workplace must be avoided under all circumstances. In our example, the solution would be suitable...
Definition, benefits, system, processes, legal foundations & more. Buildings are becoming higher, more modern, more complex, more spacious... The safety technology for...
Safety is created above all through the correct workflow. Since 2019 rope access technology has been officially registered in TRBS 2121 as authorised working equipment....
Facades differ greatly. Every facade is unique and has its own special requirements in terms of safety, because each building shell must be cared for, serviced and, where...
Safety & beauty on facades - no problem with rope access technology. Because of very differing facade types, a safety system is required with which the user can reach...
After a fall every minute counts. Of course, the goal must be to avoid accidents through even better planning, equipment and training. If accidents do happen, rescue...
Fall protection with rope access technology is an ideal solution for facades if they are also planned in good time. Architects increasingly decide to install rope access...
Safety systems should not spoil the aesthetics of the façade. Nevertheless, they are important for maintenance & cleaning. The imposing glass structure was in the...
The goal of this reference project was to reliably secure people performing maintenance work on the jib arm of the crawler crane against falling. Discover how this...
Industrial operations need a holistic safety concept. In our general overview, you will now read what fall protection is, why it has to be professionally implemented in...
Things work better together. The Vaduz municipal administration and the Liechtenstein Red Cross (LRK) followed this idea with their jointly planned and realised new...
Industrial operations require real fall protection, because the illusion of safety can have fatal outcomes not only for employees, but also for the company itself....
2021 is a year of particular significance to this family business. Not only is the company celebrating a milestone birthday, but the Reiter family is also handing over...
Where a standard solution is not effective, a special solution must be developed. This was the case in this reference project, where a floating crane from IMAK Anlagenbau...
Fall protection is more than just a few clamps, bolts, cables, and harnesses. It requires a holistic safety concept. The return on prevention is demonstrably positive,...
An appropriate and effective fall protection system creates costs. However, these pay in the long term! As Karl R. left his office on that Thursday evening and made his...
The market for fall protection systems is large, and the number of standard solutions is growing. In spite of this, companies in very different industries continue to...
For industrial operations, there is no way round fall protection systems, because a good safety concept is mandatory today. he responsibility for fall protection...
The illusion of safety is dangerous because workers and colleagues on the job depend on the existing safety concept. The illusion of safety in industrial operations...
The highest mountain experience in Germany was secured with fall protection solutions from INNOTECH. In addition to 3 AIO lifeline systems for safe snow removal and roof...
We provide all the information you need to secure your flat roof. Flat roof protection is a collective term for different measures to protect against falling from roof...
The elephant house of Munich's Hellabrunn Zoo shines in new splendour. The INNOTECH safety system along the roof dome ensures optimum safety when working on the...
The district heating plant of Linz Strom GmbH relies on safety systems from INNOTECH for maintenance work at a height of 180 metres. Read more about the details in this...
The roof and enclosure of the 400 m long Max Aicher Arena has an inner radius of 21 metres and an outer radius of 33 metres. More details can be discovered below.
INNOTECH provides full service. In March 2017, the star-shaped ÖAMTC complex in Vienna’s 3rd district was officially opened. In the following article you will discover...
The renowned Coop Himmelb(l)au architectural practice and the Austrian baking products company, backaldrin, shared a vision. The client wanted to provide a suitable...
INNOTECH equipped the spectacular Berlin building with 10 climbing routes for cleaning and maintenance purposes and 300 running metres of rails. The uniqueness of the...
Six weeks for the aesthetically unconventional „Desert Rose“. In Doha, the capital of Qatar, in the Persian Gulf, a new building beyond superlatives rises up, the likes...
The famous Hamburg concert hall is one of the most impressive projects that INNOTECH has implemented worldwide to date. The complex wave form of the architect's free-form...
The Shell by the Caspian Sea. In Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan on the coast of the Caspian Sea, stands another attractive large project, built in close...
With a height of 190 metres, the Europabrücke is the highest bridge in Austria. From now on, safety for inspections or maintenance and servicing work is provided by...
A sweeping 37,000m² glass structure rises above Trinity Leeds, and its access must meet the highest safety standards. The responsible decided for our AIO.
In 2012 in the 2nd district of Vienna, the reconstruction of the Vienna University of Economics and Business created a superb complex of buildings. More about this...
The popular 100-metre high observation tower in Carinthia was equipped with INNOTECH products so that necessary cleaning and maintenance work on the glass surfaces can be...