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Fall protection for industry and production


BARRIER guardrail system

BARRIER-MACHINE SAFEGUARDING is a system which secures edges on machinery and in an industrial environment. The different requirements in various areas of industry can be solved individually thanks to the flexibility of BARRIER.


TAURUS rail system

The TAURUS ALLROUND flexible rail system from INNOTECH, for all substructures, provides people in fall hazard locations with the option of securing themselves optimally to the mobile anchorage point or to the guided type fall arrester.


PSA Personal protective equipment

Intuitive use, optimum comfort, top quality: Just some of the characteristics of our anti-fall harness systems. The PPE STRING harness system is available in Basic, Comfort, and Pro models. All harnesses allow optimum freedom of movement and guarantee that the user is caught safely in the event of a fall.


AIO lifeline system

The AIO LIFELINE SYSTEM PASSABLE by INNOTECH has been developed as a restraint system, fall arrest system, and rescue system.


Specific working conditions prevail in industry and in production operations. Activities, whether daily and regular or only occasionally for servicing or inspection, have to be performed at different heights, both indoors and outdoors. Outdoors, weather conditions such as rain, wind, or black ice make the tasks more difficult. Indoors, production-specific circumstances such as large, permanently located machinery must be taken into account. It must be possible to perform tasks without obstruction, on, around, and with this machinery. For this, from a height of 2 metres, protection against falling must be installed. The legal provisions specify how this is to be implemented. As experts in fall protection systems, we at INNOTECH® provide both standardised protection systems as well as special solutions for unique circumstances.

The illusion of safety in industry: The big risk

In an industrial context, one of the major topics is the illusion of safety. This arises for example through errors when selecting materials and installing fall protection systems. Rescue measures which are lacking or cannot be implemented immediately or as intended can also result in an illusion of safety.
Anyone who has experienced a fall accident knows the importance of the interaction between the human being and the solution: At first glance, it is not generally evident that personal protective equipment is being worn incorrectly or that a fall protection system was not installed correctly. These are examples of the illusion of safety – and they can become life-threatening. Another example: Personal protective equipment worn correctly and attached to the fall protection system in the right way does not protect reliably if the substructure of the installed single anchor point gives way or breaks. That is why great attention to PPE training and correct installation is required.

To prevent the illusion of safety it is also necessary to specify in detail the procedure in the event of a fall which requires rescue, and to train employees accordingly. If colleagues do not know what is to be done, or they simply have no option to perform a rescue action in safety, then this also represents an illusion of safety. Permanently fixing organisational industrial protection measures in the heads of employees is just as important as the installation of additional rescue solutions.
Only the professional planning, installation, and use of fall prevention protection systems protect against the illusion of safety. For this, a well thought-out safety concept is necessary. INNOTECH® will be happy to help you in creating your own individual safety plan.


Guardrail system for machinery

The BARRIER MACHINE SAFEGUARDING guardrail system is used wherever fall edges on machinery or in an industrial environment have to be secured. The guardrail system is so flexible that it is possible to individually solve the various requirements ...


Rail system for all-round use

The TAURUS ALLROUND rail system combines the application range and benefits of TAURUS HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL in the form of a flowing transition between horizontal and vertical movement. Regardless whether industrial buildings, architecturally ...


All-in-one lifeline system, passable

The AIO LIFELINE SYSTEM PASSABLE is used wherever a horizontal surface must be protected. Regardless whether along roofs, facades, in industry or for photovoltaic systems, it provides optimum protection against falls from a height. Neither ...



Intuitive use, optimum comfort, top quality: Just some of the characteristics of our anti-fall harness systems. The PPE STRING harness system is available in Easy, Basic, Comfort, and Pro models. All harnesses allow optimum freedom of movement ...

Fall protection systems from INNOTECH® for industry and production

The multi-faceted fields of activity in industry require an extensive product range for industrial protection, especially for fall protection. Depending on the application, products for individual and collective protection will be required, in order to protect one or more persons while they perform their activities.

  • The BARRIER MACHINE SAFEGUARDING SYSTEM is a collective protection solution in the form of a safety railing which is attached to machinery or working areas at height. A permanent, horizontal substructure is required for installation.
  • The AIO LIFELINE SYSTEM PASSABLE is a solution for individual protection in the horizontal plane. In combination with personal protective equipment (PPE), it provides full flexibility for fall protection of a single person.
  • The TAURUS-ALLROUND system variant is a rail system which easily meets challenges such as a continuous horizontal and vertical installation, for example.
  • The proven PSA-STRING is the personal protective equipment (PPE) system from INNOTECH®, and it secures individual users who have been appropriately trained. Three different designs and sets for specific tasks provide the right solution for every requirement.

Special solutions: Safety – customised for your operation

In an industrial context, one operation is rarely the same as another in terms of spatial circumstances. Even if the same machinery is used, or the production process is identical, spatial conditions or processes will be different. Accesses and ascents to the work areas also differ. And so our message is: Every industrial operation needs an individual, flexible safety solution – which is also reliable at the same time. This is exactly what we specialise in at INNOTECH®: In our own Planning department we plan and create the perfectly matched, customised solution for your operation.

Benefits of a fall protection system in industry

  • Protecting humans: An appropriate fall protection system prevents employees from being severely injured in the event of a fall.
  • Protection of the operation: Downtimes resulting from a fall are reduced, and the operating process is not significantly disturbed or interrupted.
  • Fulfilment of the legal requirements for industrial protection when the fall protection system is installed and used professionally.
  • Protection from serious legal and financial consequences: If the fall protection system is installed and used correctly, then no negative effects need to be feared from measures implemented incorrectly in legal terms.

Challenges for personal safety in industry

  • Special application conditions, and combinations of multiple fall protection systems: In industry and production, working areas and their access points overlap one another, and generally these cannot be protected by standard products and solutions. Individually planned and implemented special solutions are required in such a case.

  • Individuality in installation: The use of diverse machines in very different spatial circumstances and on different substructures requires a well thought-out, reliable fall prevention protection system. The option of horizontal or vertical installation, together with solutions for curves for providing smooth transitions on different materials, is covered by the INNOTECH® product range and our special solutions.

  • Flexibility in use: Industrial tasks upon and with machinery require the maximum possible freedom of movement for the people at work. This can be ensured by passable systems such as the AIO LIFELINE SYSTEM PASSABLE.

  • Illusion of safety: Personal protective equipment (PPE) which is not put on properly, or an incorrectly installed fall protection system, create a false sense of safety for those working in industry. In order to prevent accidents, the temporary or permanent fall protection system must be implemented correctly and expertly.


What INNOTECH can do for you
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Head of Inside Sales | Innotech Group
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Head of Inside Sales | Innotech Group
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Head of International Sales | Innotech Group
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Sales Export | Innotech Group
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